Submit a Strip Club

If you have know of a strip club that we don't have in our directory, please use the form below to submit it. Our staff will review it and getting it added ASAP. Please only give accurate information about the venue. If you are not 100% sure of something just leave it out. Only submit clubs within the United States, and Canada. Also please no Promotional groups, or Escort Services. This is for physical venues only.
*Venue Type
Gentlemens Club = Female Dancers
Male Strip Club = Male Dancers
Full URL ( )
Domains only, Do not post URLs to Profiles ( Myspace / FaceBook )
Details Please Describe the Venue as best you can. Include where its located, its reputation, its history, and any impressive features that set it apart from other clubs. This is meant to be a positive Description similar to something the club would legally use to describe itself and not a Critical Review. If the club caters to any specific demographic or audience then put it here.
Min Age
Cash Bar = You use cash or credit card to buy drinks from their bar
BYOB = They do not serve alcohol, but you can bring your own
Juice Bar = Alcohol is not served, and you are not allowed to bring your own
Smoking Do they allow smoking indoors? Outdoor patios don't count.
Valet Do they have Valet Parking?
Buffet Do they have an all you can eat Buffet?
Vip VIP or Champagne Room?
Food and Drinks
You can either paste their menu here, or describe the types of food and Drinks they have available. If they do not serve food or drinks, then just say "No Food or Drinks available"
DressCode Some require upscale dress. Please describe the style of dress that is required, and or any restricted clothing items ( hats, jersys, jeans, sandals ext ) of if they allow everything please just say no dress code.
Established What date did they open?
Leave as Jan 1, 1900 if you don't know
What is 9+12 Prevents Bots from posting.
* Required Fields